Food, Glorious Food
This Sunday, The Wells Food Festival plays host to thousands of visitors. It’s an opportunity for hundreds of small, local producers to showcase their wares, explaining provenance, talking about the skills involved and fighting for their market share against the supermarket giants. See what’s happening here:
To provide another perspective, the Food for Thought marquee will host several of the local groups dealing with the social issues associated with redistributing surplus (and potentially wasted) food to those who need it, the mental well-being associated with growing food and the physical, mental and social benefits of growing, cooking and eating in community.
To help bring the issues to life, Somerset Community Food is organising a programme of short talks and demonstrations throughout the day - growing on a window-sill, eating the seasons, dealing with gluts and (spare our blushes) A Year of Eating sustainably. And we’ll be pressing apples for fresh juice throughout the day. Come and see us – we’re next to the band-stand. You can download a map fo what’s happening where here:
To celebrate this season of abundance and take advantage of one of the Food Festival’s marquees, Fresh and Good (Sustainable Wells’ own collection of community cooks) is hosting a free community lunch this Saturday, using as much local produce as possible. It would be lovely to feed everyone, but the marquee just isn’t big enough! So we’ve invited people from as many areas of the City’s life as we can, including the library, the fire station, the health centre, the Job Centre and the YMCA.
Some of the Fresh and Good Community Cooks
To cater for the meal, Fresh & Good’s gang will be cooking up a storm on Friday afternoon – there will no doubt be lots of laughter, possibly some singing and certainly fantastic smells and tastes.
We’ve been asked to help provide food for several community events through to the end of the year so if this sounds the sort of thing you’d like to get involved with (we need washers-up as well!) please get in touch: