Walking to School

You only have to walk along North Road around school drop off and pick up time to see that a significant number of parents and grandparents walk their kids and grandkids to and from school - bravo we say!

Walking children to school provides such great benefits for everyone;  promoting health, bonding, and environmental care.
These walks can transform into treasured times of story-sharing and lessons between generations, enhancing familial ties and understanding.

Bonding on the Go
The walk to school is more than a physical journey; it can be a special time for adults to connect with children, sharing stories and insights with affection. It's a two-way street where both young and old learn and thrive from each other’s company.

Health and Happiness
This daily activity is excellent for everyone’s physical health, helping control weight, increase cardiovascular fitness, and decrease chronic disease risks. It's equally beneficial for mental health, reducing stress and enhancing mood through natural exercise in fresh air.

Eco-friendly Steps
Opting to walk over driving cuts down on carbon emissions, traffic, and air pollution, making a significant environmental impact. These walks also offer practical lessons in sustainability for children, showing them the importance of eco-conscious living.

Educational and Fun Walks
These walks can be made more engaging by incorporating games like these:

Nature Bingo:

Create a bingo card with sights or objects commonly found on your route—like a red door, a cat in the window, a maple tree, etc. It turns an ordinary walk into a scavenger hunt!

A full set of bingo cards are free to download at https://homemadeheather.com/free-nature-bingo-printables/

Storytelling Games:

One person starts a story, and each participant adds a sentence as you walk. It’s a fun way to fire up children’s imagination and listening skills.

I Spy Shapes and Colours:

This classic game can be tailored to spotting specific shapes, colors, or even numbers along the way.

Counting Steps:

Use a pedometer or a smartphone app to count steps. Set daily or weekly goals to make it challenging and educational.

These activities can not only make the walk enjoyable but also spark creativity and observation skills.

Cherishing the Moments
Walking to school is about appreciating the journey—observing the surroundings, enjoying conversations, and savouring the time spent together. It’s an invaluable part of the day that strengthens bonds, fosters a sense of community, and instils valuable life lessons, all while contributing to personal and environmental health.

Walking kids to school is a rewarding experience that benefits the whole family and the planet, making each step a meaningful part of a lifelong journey.


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