Somerset Food Trail

This year you might have thought that the Somerset Food Trail (SFT) had just disappeared … but you would be wrong !

The rather wonderful SFT website is still there:

updated as often as possible and so is still a go to resource for local producers, alongside of course the equally wonderful website for Somerset Community Food:

And the SFT team have been busy organising The Land Alive Conference, so get the date in your diary – November 22nd and 23rd.

The Land Alive conference

will be covering all aspects of regenerative agriculture including how we get large-scale farmers to focus on soil health and what local community groups and activists are already doing.  The conference is being run by Sustainable Food Somerset, the holy alliance of Somerset Community Food and Wells Food Network.  Earlybird tickets will go on sale in July and we’ll keep you posted on progress through the Sust Wells email updates. Read more on the Land Alive website using this link:
Now organising the conference is consuming all of the SFT team’s time, so the Food Trail itself is having a regenerative rest (see what we did there !) but will come bursting back next year.  That doesn't mean that all of the usual participants in the trail are taking time off - many of them will be organising events over the summer.  If they let us know, we'll include them in the Sust Wells email updates too. 

And don’t forget, you can also sign up to Incredible Edible Somerset, a newsletter that's packed with what's going on in the Somerset community arena.

A little Election something to think about

Those wonderful folks at Zero Hour, who are campaigning in support of the Climate and Nature Bill (the CAN bill, formally known as the CE and CEE bills) are seeking our help to ensure that those standing as candidates understand the importance of the CAN bill. 
You can read more about their plan and how we can help by looking here:


Signing off & looking forward


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