Signing off & looking forward

Well, the final blog in our series of A Year of Living Sustainably is now here and this is it!

A few weeks ago we did a review of some of the blogs you’ve received as emails this year so now it seems only right to take a look at what’s coming up.

Did you know that Sustainable Wells is a member of Wells Environment Network? also known as WEN!

Who Are WEN?

The Wells Environment Network brings together passionate individuals and organisations from around Wells who are dedicated to nurturing our natural world. Since our inception three years ago, we’ve been a melting pot of ideas and action, striving for a greener tomorrow.

Our Mission: Lets Make A Difference Together!

  • Advocate and Inspire: We're here to amplify the voice of environmentalism in Wells, sparking conversations and inspiring action.

  • Showcase Success: From grassroots movements to big green projects, we're highlighting the amazing work happening right here.

  • Empower Action: Every small step counts! We’re here to help you take those steps by providing the tools and encouragement needed to contribute to our environmental goals.

  • Foster Connections: Join forces with a supportive network of environment enthusiasts, just like you.

  • Streamline Efforts: By connecting dots between overlapping projects, we maximise impact—because we're stronger together.

  • Engage Every Corner: We’re all about linking arms with the entire community, opening doors to volunteering and getting involved.

What have we been getting up to together at WEN?

We’ve been planning ten days of eco events right here in Wells.

Get ready for Wells EcoWeek+, happening 11th-20th October!

A week bursting with activities like workshops, inspiring talks, community clean-ups, and more. It’s a fantastic opportunity to connect, learn, and contribute to a greener Wells.

Join the Movement:

Dive into the new WEN website to discover more about what we do, upcoming events, and how you can be a part of this exciting journey.

👉 Visit us now at and let's grow greener together!

You can find Sustainable Wells here:

👉 If you’d like to volunteer to help out at the event drop us a line at

or to support Sustainable Wells at the event in the town hall on Saturday 12th drop us a line at

Stay in the Loop:

WEN will be posting regular updates on socials at:

  • Facebook: @wenvironment

  • Instagram: @wellsenvironment

Together, with Sustainable Wells & all of the other members of WEN let's cultivate a healthier, more vibrant ‘wenvironment'.
Thank you for your passion and support over this past year, looking forward to seeing you in October - if not before!

Of course before all of that happens we’ve got these events to look forward to:

Coming Up In July

If you hurry today you might just catch Repair Saturday at the Library, they’ll be there until 12.30pm.

Wells City Council Meeting THURSDAY 4TH JULY 2024 AT 7:00PM

On the agenda of this meeting is a discussion about the planters at the bus station. This will cover the risk assessment circulated at the last meeting and consider its implications.

  1. i  Risk Assessment

  2. ii  Response to Risk Assessment

Members of the public are invited to come along and voice their views about the planters and risks that may - or may not - pose to public health.

Following on from the Decarb Somerset Launch Event there are now FREE online training events 3rd and 22nd July. If you complete the two sessions you will qualify and have the opportunity to apply for one of the 30 FREE energy audits worth £700! Click the button for more info and to apply.

Repair Café will be back at St Thomas’ church hall on Saturday, 27 July at the usual time of 10am - 12.30pm

And on Wednesday 31 July Make and Mend will be at the Portway Annexe for more social knitting, sewing, macramé or whatever else takes your fancy - even if it’s just to join us for a cuppa!


Somerset Food Trail