What’s The Last Thing On Your Mind Right Now?
Yep, as we all swelter in 30 degree heat you’ll no doubt be thinking, quite sensibly, about how to keep cool, and who could blame you? So when we say that this is the ideal time to be planning how to conserve heat you might just think we’ve lost the plot!
But, as sure as summer starts when the kids go back to school (!) we all know that Autumn is coming and after that winter, so here are some handy steps you could take to help keep your home warm and your bills lower in the months ahead.
1. Block Draughts
Feel for draughts around your doors, skirting boards and window and draught proof your home - More Info: draughts
2. Install Insulation
Cover all accessible hot water pipes with foam sleeves and conserve hot water in your tank - More Info: insulating
3. Reduce Your Boilers Flow Temperature
Many people aren't using their boilers efficiently which makes homes more expensive to heat - More info: flow
4. Bleed and Balance Your Radiators
A poorly balanced heating system can add a significant amount of cash to your annual bills - More info: radiator balance
5. Do More Research
Use the information from great sources like One Home and the Energy Saving Trust to identify other actions you might take - More info: One Home, Energy Saving Trust
6. Ask Wells CC
Visit the Wells CC market stall on 20th September and ask questions about what’s happening in the local area regarding climate change. Let them know what information you need about actions you can take and ask about access to support that might be available to you.