A Year of Living Sustainably
On June 24th 2023 we published the first blog in our series A Year of Living Sustainably. Now, the year has ended but the ideas live on. 52 of them so if you’re looking for inspiration or ideas of things you could try, change, do more of or do less of to reduce your carbon footprint then scroll down and take your pick.
If you’d like to share your idea for sustainable living - just one small, accessible and inexpensive thing then we’d love for you to write to us and let us know. Just contact sustwells@gmail.com

Food Waste Action Week
Food Waste Action Week - Can You Reduce Your Food Waste?

Bottom of the Fridge Bargees*
A tasty and quick way to use up the last of the veg at the bottom of the fridge

Swop The Coffee Cup
Don’t just get rid of single use - trade up for the best reusable

More About Mending - Books
Best books for visible - and invisible - mending and clothing care.

Use Charity Shops
Pick up a bargain and help a charity at the same time

Get Into Mending
A stitch in time saves the planet!

How to reduce plastics - books
Want to reduce plastics - read here

Know Your Onions
Know Your Onions and how to store, chop or slice them

Don’t Be Clingy!
Ditch the cling film and try this instead

Brush with Bamboo
Bamboo is not just for pandas

How to Compost at Home
There’s magic in that muck